Drinking Water

Intelligent Master Planning
Tetra Tech develops master plans that establish a flexible road map for making sound, cost-effective decisions that meet both short- and long-term needs.
- Regulatory compliance planning
- Demand management
- Facility planning
- Operational evaluations
- Capital improvement planning

Source of Supply Facilities
Tetra Tech develops and designs secure and sustainable water supplies, including surface water intakes and pump stations, groundwater wells, and raw water transmission facilities.
- Surface water and intakes
- Riverbank filtration
- Groundwater
- Aquifer storage and recovery systems
- Hydrogeologic studies

Treatment Facilities
Our expertise spans from planning to design and construction management through start-up and operations services and covers various technologies, including membranes and alternative disinfectants (ozone, ultraviolet, and chlorination).
- Conventional and high-rate filtration and clarification
- Enhanced coagulation
- Membrane technology and desalination
- Ion exchange and granular activated carbon
- Corrosion control and lead and copper compliance

Transmission and Distribution Systems
Our services extend from preliminary planning and routing analyses through design, permitting, and construction. Tetra Tech’s depth of experience encompasses numerous construction techniques, including trenchless technologies and construction through complex corridors.
- Large diameter transmission mains
- Small diameter distribution mains
- Storage and pumping facilities
- Smart metering and leak detection
- Hydraulic and water quality modeling/GIS

Construction Management
Tetra Tech has the expertise to lead projects through completion and start-up, including providing construction administration, resident project representative, and owner’s engineer services.
- Owner’s representative services
- Alternative project delivery
- Resident engineering services
- Specialty inspections
- Start-up and training services
Connect with us. Reach out to our One Water solutions experts.